The C.D. Espíritu Triabona Adeje and the Ilustre Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Adeje, organise the I Cross Golf Costa Adeje, on Sunday 30 July 2023, on the circuit of Campo Golf Los Lagos de Costa Adeje. The race will be timed by the company Gesport Canarias.
2.1. The event will be considered a “POPULAR COMPETITION” and therefore any person may participate in accordance with the established regulations, as long as they are physically fit to run the course, whether they are federated in athletics or not. The participation of athletes may be joint, in which case they will share the classification respecting the categories or according to the number of registered runners grouped by categories. The competition is also open to schoolchildren and schools who wish to participate, with the aim of bringing our sport closer to the population.
2.2. The organisation will provide accident insurance for minors, popular and federated athletes, in accordance with Royal Decree 849/1993 of 4 June 1993.
2.3. All registrations, both for adults and minors, must be formalised on-line through the organisation’s website, both for individuals and relay teams, with a deadline of Tuesday 25th July 2023.
2.4. Registration has a cost of 6 € per athlete and for children under 16 years must bring the day of the race 1 kilo of non-perishable food that will go to the Food Bank of Adeje.
2.5. The registration fee for the relay race is 24 euros per team.
2.6. Registration for the race will be without a T-shirt. However, the organisation will give T-shirts to participants over 15 years of age who want one and pay the supplement for it (extra cost of 6 euros).
2.7. Every runner who participates in the race declares that he/she has undergone a medical examination and does not suffer from any illness that prevents him/her from taking part in the race, the runner being the only person responsible in the event of an accident if he/she does not comply with the regulations.
3.1. The organization incorporates the relay race in cross country, a relatively new modality and that starts in official Championships in 2017- The relay team race aims to be a playful competition and driven to create a fun atmosphere between families, work colleagues, neighbours, friends etc. The only compulsory rule is that the order of participation of women and men will be free but must be formed by 4 components and all of them over 15 years old.
3.2. Each of them will run the same distance, with the relay relay relay taking place in the area marked out for this purpose (starting and finishing arches), and failure to do so will result in disqualification.
3.3. The use of an identical uniform for the four components of the team is recommended.
3.4. In the relays, the baton most suited to this speciality shall be used and must be kept at all times from the beginning to the end of the race, with disqualification if this is not the case.
4.1. The fee to participate in the event is published on the registration platform of the event. Registration can only be done online through the payment gateway on the website
4.2. Registration implies the reservation of a place. In case of cancellation of the registration the organisation will not refund the registration fee.
4.3. It is not allowed to change the name or transfer the registration to another participant.
Categories (male and female)
PREBENJAMIN or U6: 4 or 5 years old.
MINIBENJAMIN or U8: 6 or 7 years old.
BENJAMIN or U10: 8 or 9 years old.
ALEVIN or U12: 10 or 11 years old.
INFANTIL or U-14: 12 or 13 years old.
CADETE or U16: 14 or 15 years old.
YOUTH or U18: 16 or 17 years old.
JUNIOR or U20: 18 or 19 years old.
PROMISE or U23: 20, 21 or 22 years old.
ABSOLUTE: From 23 to 34 years old.
MASTER 35 From 35 to 39 years old.
MASTER 40 From 40 to 44 years old.
MASTER 45 From 45 to 49 years old.
MASTER 50 From 50 to 54 years old.
MASTER 55 From 55 to 59 years old.
MASTER 60 From 60 to 64 years old.
MASTER 65 From 65 to 69 years old.
MASTER 70 From 70 to 74 years old.
MASTER 75 From 75 to 79 years old.
MASTER 80 From 80 to 84 years old.
The timetable of the races may be subject to change depending on the development of the same. At the end of all the races there will be a prize-giving ceremony (except for the junior races, in which there will be no classification, only a souvenir for participation).
08:30 |
PREBENJAMIN or U6: 4 or 5 years old. |
08:30 |
MINIBENJAMIN or U8: 6 or 7 years old. |
08:30 |
BENJAMIN or U10: 8 or 9 years old. |
09:00 |
ALEVIN or U12: 10 or 11 years old. |
09:00 |
INFANTIL or U14: 12 or 13 years old. |
09:00 |
CADETE or U16: 14 or 15 years old. |
10:00 |
JUVENIL or U18: 16 or 17 years old. |
10:00 |
JUNIOR or U20: 18 or 19 years old. |
10:00 |
PROMISE or U23: 20, 21 or 22 years old. |
10:00 |
ABSOLUTE: From 23 to 34 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 35 From the day they reach the age of 35 up to the age of 39. |
10:00 |
MASTER 40 From 40 to 44 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 45 From 45 to 49 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 50 From 50 to 54 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 55 From 55 to 59 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 60 From 60 to 64 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 65 From 65 to 69 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 70 From 70 to 74 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 75 From 75 to 79 years old. |
10:00 |
MASTER 80 From 80 to 84 years old. |
10:00 |
PREBENJAMIN or U6: 4 or 5 years old. |
200 |
MINIBENJAMIN or U8: 6 or 7 years old. |
500 |
BENJAMIN or U10: 8 or 9 years old. |
1000 |
ALEVIN or U12: 10 or 11 years old. |
1500 |
INFANTIL or U14: 12 or 13 years old. |
2000 |
CADETE or U16: 14 or 15 years old. |
2500 |
JUVENIL or U18: 16 or 17 years old. |
6000 |
JUNIOR or U20: 18 or 19 years old. |
6000 |
PROMISE or U23: 20, 21 or 22 years old. |
6000 |
ABSOLUTE: From 23 to 34 years old. |
9000 |
MASTER 35 From the day they reach the age of 35 up to the age of 39. |
6000 |
MASTER 40 From 40 to 44 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 45 From 45 to 49 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 50 From 50 to 54 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 55 From 55 to 59 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 60 From 60 to 64 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 65 From 65 to 69 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 70 From 70 to 74 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 75 From 75 to 79 years old. |
6000 |
MASTER 80 From 80 to 84 years old. |
6000 |
12000 |

8.1. The registration period will start on 1 May and will end on 25 July at 23:59 hours. After this date no registration will be accepted.
8.2. For registration with the option of a T-shirt, the closing date for registration will not be 25 July, but Monday 17 July at 23:59 hours.
8.3. Once the registration period has ended, on 26 July the list of registered participants will be published on this website and a period for complaints about the registrations made will be opened until 24:00 h. On 27 July the list will be published again with the number already assigned.
9.1. Individuals
9.1.1. In all races there will be a general individual classification by category, receiving medals for the top three in each category and sex, except in the children’s race, which will be non-competitive and in which all participants will receive a gift at the end.
9.1.2. On the other hand, in the Cross Golf Costa Adeje will be awarded to the winner with an invitation to participate in the II Cross Golf Costa Adeje, including the bib in the race.
9.1.3 The awards ceremony for each category and gender will be held at the end of all races.
9.2. Teams
9.2.1. The team classification allows four runners of the same modality, to participate in a specific classification.
9.2.2. The team score shall be calculated on the basis of the sum total of the times of the four riders.
9.2.3. The team shall only be valid if it consists of 4 runners (neither more nor less runners and it shall be mixed, consisting of 2 male athletes and 2 female athletes).
9.2.4. In order to qualify for the team classification, the name of the team or club must be entered in the club or team field and all its members must enter it exactly the same name. For example, it is not valid that three members of the team put Triabona Adeje and the fourth has put Espiritu Triabona Adeje as it is a digital timing.
9.3. Relay teams
9.3.1. The classification by relay teams allows four runners of the same modality to participate in a specific classification.
9.3.2. The team score shall be calculated on the basis of the sum total of the times of the 4 riders.
9.3.3. The team shall only be valid if it is made up of 4 riders (neither more nor less riders and may be of free choice).
9.3.4. To qualify for the classification by relay teams, the name of the club or team must be entered in the club or team field and all its members must enter it exactly the same name. For example, it is not valid that three members of the team put Triabona Adeje and the fourth has put Espiritu Triabona Adeje as it is a digital timing.
The use of substances, pharmacological groups and methods intended to artificially increase the physical capacities of sportsmen and women is strictly forbidden, and Organic Law 3/2013 of 20 June 2013 on the protection of sportsmen and women’s health and the fight against doping in sporting activity is applicable.
11.1. All athletes must prove their age by means of the National Identity Card or photocopy of the family book for minors, if required by the organization of the race.
11.2. Will be disqualified any athlete who, knowing his inability to participate in the race, provides erroneous data to do so.
11.3. In general, all runners who have duly formalised their registration and have declared that they are aware of and accept the conditions of these Regulations and the responsible declaration that can be consulted during the registration process are entitled to participate in any of the modalities.
11.4. The registration period shall be from 1 May to 25 July 2023. Registrations with the option of a T-shirt can only be made until Monday 17 July at 23:59 hours, after this date, only registrations without a T-shirt will be accepted.
11.5. Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these regulations.
11.6. All participants must have an adequate level of physical condition to face an event of these characteristics. At the time of registration, the participant accepts to know the rules and conditions involved in participating in a competition of this type.
11.7. There will be a fee of 6 euros which will entitle the athletes over 15 years of age to participation accident insurance and refreshments.
12.1. In order to give a positive image of athletics and preserve the environment, all athletes are requested not to leave bags or waste in places other than the containers installed for this purpose throughout the circuit and at the same time offer an exemplary behaviour in this discipline during the development of the race.
12.2. The organiser assumes as its own all the principles of the decalogue of good practices promoted by the Department of Sports of Adeje Town Hall.
13.1. Registration in any of the modalities of the race implies the express consent of the participant to the use and reproduction of his personal image by means of any device with the sporting attire worn in the event and held by the organization. These personal images are solely for the purpose of promoting the Cross Golf Costa Adeje disseminating information about it through social networks, media, billboards, or any other type of support etc.. This consent will be given expressly at the time of registration with the acceptance of these rules.
13.2. You must be aware that the races take place in a private space and that your image may be captured by the public or other media and in both cases outside the organisation.
14.1. The participants registered in the Cross Golf Costa Adeje understand that they participate voluntarily and under their own responsibility in the SPORTS EVENT. Therefore, they exonerate, renounce, exempt and agree not to denounce the organising entity, collaborators, sponsors and other participants, from any civil liability towards the participants and their heirs.
14.2. All registered participants will be covered by an Accident Insurance Policy, arranged by the organisation, which will cover accidents that occur as a direct consequence of the development of the race, and never as a result of a latent pathology or disability, injury, imprudence, negligence, non-observance of the laws and the articles of the Regulations, etc., nor those produced in travel to and from the place where the race takes place.
15.1. The personal data (name, ID card number, address, date of birth, telephone number and e-mail address) are included in the database of the organiser, whose purpose is to manage the commercial relationship with the participant (contractual basis), in any case expressly and within the registration process will have to give their free, spontaneous and informed consent, being at their disposal all the rights on data protection required by European regulations.
15.2. Basic Data Protection Information | |
Responsible | Club Deportivo Espíritu Triabona |
Purpose | Manage the sporting event in the commercial relationship with the athlete and publicise the event. |
Legitimation | Consent of the data subject/Contractual relationship |
Addressees | No transfer of data is foreseen, except for the communication of the identity of each participant for the purposes of the compulsory accident and civil liability insurance that covers all participants for their subscription. |
Rights | Access, rectify and delete data, as well as the exercise of all rights established in European and national regulations and developed in the additional information. |
Additional information | Additional and detailed information on Data Protection can be found in the following link: https://www.crossgolfcostaadeje/politica-de-privacidad/ |
15.3. The participant expressly consents to receive information (about sporting events of the same nature) by e-mail, although he/she may revoke this consent at any time by the same means.
16.1. Participants may collect their bib numbers by showing their ID card, passport or other official document proving their identity. For collection on behalf of another person, the representative must present the authorisation provided on this website, duly signed, with express indication of their ID card as well as that of the participant whose bib is to be collected, enclosing a photocopy of their ID card/passport.
16.2. The withdrawal of bibs will be on Saturday 29 July at the Pabellón Polideportivo Las Torres, located in Las Nieves, exit 79 B of TF-1, Adeje from 16:00 to 18:00 pm or the same day of the race, Sunday July 30 from 07:00 to 08:30 am at the Campo Los Lagos, Golf Costa Adeje.
17.1. In the event of bad weather conditions, for safety reasons or other reasons of force majeure, the race may be postponed, interrupted or the time limits may be varied.
17.2. Likewise, the organisation reserves the right to suspend the race at any time prior to its celebration, always for reasons beyond its control and under the orders of the competent authorities, derived from declarations of alert for adverse weather phenomena.
17.3. In the event of cancellation of the race, because weather conditions so require and duly justified in public alerts, a suitable date will be sought to hold the event within the calendar year of the race. If the event cannot be held, the corresponding proportional amount will be refunded, after deducting the obligatory expenses incurred by the organisation.
18.1. Complaints shall be made in writing and must comply with a minimum format, where the following shall be stated: Name of the person making the complaint, ID number, name(s) of the athlete(s) concerned, bib number and the facts alleged.
18.2. Claims will be submitted to the Race Jury, who will decide what is appropriate.
18.3. Complaints concerning the provisional classifications may be submitted up to 30 minutes after their publication.
18.4. Against the resolutions adopted in the complaints, the rights of the claimant may be exercised before the ordinary jurisdiction.
19.1. Competitors must behave in a sporting manner at all times with other athletes and show respect for volunteers, security personnel, organisers, the public and in general all those participating in the event. They will also be careful with the facilities provided for the event.
19.2. All participants will be treated with the utmost respect and consideration. Their validated registration entitles them to participate in the event with full rights.
19.3. All participants will have insurance with all the guarantees established by the public authorities and that guarantees the health protection of the participant and that provides coverage for the inherent risks of the competition and in accordance with Law 7/2011, of 5 April, of classified activities and public shows of the Canary Islands.
The different circuits of the races are signposted and delimited by marking tapes, fences and artificial walls. The large course has an approximate length of 3,000 metres and must be completed correctly without any runner leaving the course markings. It is strictly forbidden to run in any bunker, green or any other part of the golf course that has not been set up for the event. If any runner does not respect these rules, he/she may be disqualified by the organisers.
20.1. These regulations may be amended, extended or improved at any time by the organisers. The fact of registering shows the participant’s agreement with these regulations.